Dear staff, students and families,

I am writing to let you know that we have applied for and have been approved to utilize 10 hours of teacher professional development time for instructional time.  This allows us to end school on Friday, June 11th. That Friday will be a full day of school.

 It has been a long year and I appreciate all of the hard work that has been done by all of you to make it successful and in person.  I never thought we would make it this far without having to close our doors, so I am immensely grateful that our children have had as close to a normal school experience as possible.

Thank you to our students for being awesome and for all the adults that have pulled together to make this work.  The revised school calendar is attached.  I hope this allows you to plan a safe and enjoyable summer.

Chellie Broesamle 

JCS Superintendent

Revised 2020-2021 JCS District Calendar