• Our Family Literacy/Social Studies Night is this Thursday, November 9th from 5-7pm.  We will have a book Swap.  We encourage every kid to bring a book to donate when you enter and take a book when you leave.  Mrs. Angel will be giving a short slideshow presentation in the cafeteria on how we spend our title funds.  Please visit this area and sign in.  This helps our school to continue to receive funds to help support reading.  Don’t forget we will have pizza and water, for adults and kids.  We hope to see you there!

  • Just a reminder that the Bond Proposal voting is November 7th.  It will take place at Township Hall next to the fire department. Polls are open from 7am-8pm. Get out and vote!    

  • Cold weather is here to stay.  Please make sure your child is coming with coats, hats and gloves.  They will be going outside every for at least 25 minutes unless the temperature is less than 20 degrees.

  • This is just a reminder that Daylight Savings Time has ended. Hopefully you didn’t forget to change your clocks and “fall back” one hour. 

  • Finally, please remember that if your child becomes sick and is running a fever, they need to be fever free for at least 24 hours before they should return to school.  

  • If you have any questions, please email